TechieYan Technologies

Internet of Things (IOT)

IoT refers to the internet of things where we connect the devices to the internet and control them through the cloud, exchanging data with other devices and systems through the internet. There are many real-time applications where IoT is being applied in our day-to-day life like smart cities, self-driving cars, and fitness bands. IoT enables remote device monitoring and even allows users to access real-time information about their devices from anywhere in the world. IoT is used in various fields, like hospitals to monitor 24/7 patient health, agriculture to monitor the growth of the crop, etc. The main reason why IoT is widely used is that it is economical, gives better output, and makes people’s lives easier.

IOT Project List : 2021-2022

IoT Projects For ECE

Internet of Things (IOT) IoT refers to the internet of things where we connect the devices to the internet and control them through the cloud,

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Matlab Projects For ECE

MATLAB Project List with Abstract and Source Code – 21/22 Edit S.No Project Code MATLAB Projects Link 1 TYTMAT1001 Ant Colony Optimisation DETAILS 2 TYTMAT1002

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We work with all the type of microcontrollers like nodeMCU, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Eagle Board, ZIGBEE, ESP8266, sensors and actuators. Any unique ideas can be implemented under our guidance. Also the report and paper publications service is provided. We have delivered more than 500+ Iot projects  and the results were highly satisfactory. Diploma /Btech /BE /Mtech /ME /MS students can get complete project support along with the project training certification. 

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Your Journey With Us..

Your ideas are implemented into reality. At each and every stage of the project development get the complete assistant from our technical developers. At TechieYan, we will provide you a platform where students can come and explore their innovative ideas and a complete setup is provided under our guidance. Besides, students who are looking to write and publish their paper in National / International Journal, we will help them to understand about paper writing skills and  guide them how to publish their paper/thesis.

Clear all your doubts here..

Get all the answers to your queries and start your journey with us now..

Hey! Click on the above degree which you're from. You can find the specified branches. Please select your branch and a new page will pop-up with the latest projects list. There you go.. You can select any title and mail / call us. 

Time is a dependent factor. If we're going with a basic one it will take 2-3 days, for moderate level it will be 7-10 days, for Master's or Research level projects time taken is 30-45 days.

Once you come up with your idea or project title, we will provide you abstract or base paper for the detailed understanding.  If you're ready to go with the title, we will be providing you end to end support which includes project execution, project training, a reference document, support until your final review.

Of course, any new feature or new ideas will be implemented as per your requirement.

Our Technical writers will be helping you to write the paper as per the journal which you would like to publish. Complete support will be provided until your research paper is published.

Searching for interesting projects? Would you like to Implement your ideas into project? Then you’re at the right place. We provide all the mini and major project support related to embedded systems.  TechieYan is highly recommended to get your project work done. Embedded systems projects for ECE students in Hyderabad.  We have an experienced technical team who will support you throughout the process. We will be training you on the project development from scratch.

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