The main objective of this project is to develop an IOT-based body temperature monitoring system. In this project, the ESP8266 is used as a microcontroller which needs an active wifi connection to connect with the Blynk app. The Blynk app is used to track the body temperature and send an alert mail and pop-up message when the body temperature reaches a threshold value.
A healthy body is taken as of utmost importance as there is a saying that a healthy body makes a healthy mind. Monitoring temperature is a healthy way to learn about your body’s condition. The normal body temperature that a human body can have is 98.3 degrees Fahrenheit. A temperature of more than 98.3 degrees Fahrenheit indicates that the person is suffering from an illness. In this modern era, as technology develops, there will be a concurrent effect in the medical sector, and this system is very useful for the healthcare industry. This system is very effective, efficient, and economical compared to the existing systems. In the existing systems, one has to consult the doctor for a basic health checkup, which is a time-consuming process, but in the IOT-based systems, one can directly monitor their health through their mobile applications.
Components Needed For Body Temperature Monitoring System
Hardware Requirement
- Nodemcu ESP826
- Temperature sensor (DS18B20)
- Buzzer
Software Requirement
- Arduino IDE
- Blynk app
Flow Chart

Block Diagram

Pin Connection
Circuit Diagram