To work with our python projects we need to have a software which helps us build it. Anaconda helps us do it, it has various tools to help us build our project. It has jupyter notebook, spyder IDE and others to help us with coding. Anaconda is said to be a data scientist’s friend and helps with easy installation of packages with the appropriate versions. Anaconda is also helpful to create environments in an easy way.
To install Anaconda, go to this website and download the appropriate version according to your requirement.
Click Here :

Installation is a fairly simple process, just accept with the default permissions.
- Click next to continue to next step.

- Click I agree.

- Click next

- Click next

- Click install. It is not recommended to add anaconda to path

And we are done with the installation

To start your anaconda prompt, search for it in the search bar

Open anaconda prompt, type jupyter notebook and your local server will start where you can build applications.

You are ready to go. Happy coding!