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As the name suggests micro means something small and a controller is something used to control the devices. The microcontroller consists of a microprocessor with memory and peripheral devices, associated with circuits to control the function of devices. There are many real-time applications where the microcontroller is being applied in…
The library is a series of functions, constants, variables, and other definitions that are included as part of the core compiler package. It helps to reduce the errors in programming and increases the efficiency of the program also helps to reduce the size of the program. There are two different…
Internet of things The term internet of things refers to the interconnection of devices that is done wirelessly and without any human involvement. How does the IoT work: There are some hardware devices like sensors, that are integrated with the software which is collected by the sensors and shared to…
To understand machine learning one has to understand AI because ML is a subset of AI. AI means mimicking the human brain. it doesn’t mean that a machine can do everything that a human can do, some of the things that are impossible for a human brain to do such…
To work with our python projects we need to have a software which helps us build it. Anaconda helps us do it, it has various tools to help us build our project. It has jupyter notebook, spyder IDE and others to help us with coding. Anaconda is said to be…
Let us talk about what is an environment and why do we need different environments. An environment contains a set of libraries required to execute our project. An environment contains a set of libraries required to execute our project. We create new environment for a project in order to avoid…
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What Role Does Python Play in the Financial Industry? The financial industry is now the most dynamic sector; at the present time, financial organisations are concerned not only with financial matters but also with technology as a potential boon to their operations. Why Python? Python is the primary programming language…
Benefits of IoT in FINANCE ● Enhance the administration scope: For example, To enhance the number and position of ATMs ● Apps used for Transaction: with the internet-connected device, IOT can let make payments from anywhere ● To avoid scams: IoT and AI/ML enhance the approaches and tactics used to…
5G 5G is the 5th generation of networks, which gives a high-speed data transfer, throughput, low latency, and reliability at a low cost. It has a very high download speed, such as 10 gigabytes per second.5G is much faster when compared to the 4G and other LTE networks we are…